AG Virtual Conferences

Open Zone Map Launch Event

Come join our virtual launch event on Monday October 25th 2021 as we publicly unveil the world’s largest ever SEZ dataset.

Open Zone Map: Announcing the World’s Largest Ever SEZ Dataset

Come join our virtual launch event on Monday, October 25, 2021 as we publicly unveil the world’s largest ever SEZ dataset.

After two years of research, we are launching the world’s first comprehensive map of Special Economic Zones. The event will feature several speakers, a live demo of the map, and breakaway sessions where you will be able to explore the map interactively on your own device.


Preston Martin

CEO of the Adrianople Group

Opening remarks and event host.

Preston graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Government and International Politics. He previously co-founded the Startup Societies Foundation, and worked at a brokerage firm in Washington, D.C. before continuing his interest in geopolitics and experimental governance by co-founding the Adrianople Group, where he serves as CEO.

Thibault Serlet

Head of Research at the Adrianople Group

Acknowledgements and Map Overview.

Thibault is Co-Founder and Head of Research at Adrianople Group. He is an expert on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and is the co-founder of Startup Societies Foundation, a Utah based non-profit think tank that studies SEZs and publishes an academic journal.

Patri Friedman

Founder and General Partner of Pronomos Capital

Lessons learned from investing in the world’s most advanced SEZs.

Patri Friedman is currently a General Partner at Pronomos Capital, a Silicon Valley based venture capital firm focused on investing in advanced SEZs and innovative projects in the Free Zones Industry. He previously worked at Google as an engineer from 2004-2008 and 2013-2019.  In 2008 he founded the Seasteading Institute with seed funding from Peter Thiel, and in 2009 started Ephemerisle, the largest self-organizing festival on water. Patri ran the angel fund Zarco Investment Group, and advises a variety of new governance projects. Patri has a BS in Math from Harvey Mudd College, an MS in CS from Stanford University, and an MBA from Cardean University. He used to play poker competitively and wrote one of the first online poker bots.

Kurtis Lockhart

Head of Research at the Charter Cities Institute

How the Charter Cities Institute’s research is inspiring a new generation of SEZ projects.

Kurtis is the Head of Research at the Charter Cities Institute and also a doctoral candidate in Politics at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. His research focuses on the political economy of development. Specifically, he’s interested in how institutional reforms affect public goods provision in developing countries with an area focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Kurtis has an MSc in Development Management from LSE where he graduated top of his class and was awarded Best Dissertation Prize, as well as a BA in Development Studies and Economics from McGill University.

Katarina Serlet

Director of Tenant Attraction at the Adrianople Group

Live Map Demo.

Kat is Director of Strategy and Tenant Attraction at the Adrianople Group. Kat's research has been recognized by The World Free Zones Organization, NASDAQ, African Economic Zones Organization, and various competitive governance think tanks.

Kat is also a Partner at Pronomos Capital where she leverages her years of focus in the Special Economic Zones industry to lead Pronomos’ DD and advise on the portfolio.

Previously, she founded the brand development and public relations firm Atlantic Pacific Strategies, through which she helps clients establish their voice by building beautiful brands and creating captivating content.

Click here to sign up for the event.

AG Virtual Conferences

Open Zone Map Launch Event

Come join our virtual launch event on Monday October 25th 2021 as we publicly unveil the world’s largest ever SEZ dataset.

Open Zone Map: Announcing the World’s Largest Ever SEZ Dataset

Come join our virtual launch event on Monday, October 25, 2021 as we publicly unveil the world’s largest ever SEZ dataset.

After two years of research, we are launching the world’s first comprehensive map of Special Economic Zones. The event will feature several speakers, a live demo of the map, and breakaway sessions where you will be able to explore the map interactively on your own device.


Preston Martin

CEO of the Adrianople Group

Opening remarks and event host.

Preston graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Government and International Politics. He previously co-founded the Startup Societies Foundation, and worked at a brokerage firm in Washington, D.C. before continuing his interest in geopolitics and experimental governance by co-founding the Adrianople Group, where he serves as CEO.

Thibault Serlet

Head of Research at the Adrianople Group

Acknowledgements and Map Overview.

Thibault is Co-Founder and Head of Research at Adrianople Group. He is an expert on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and is the co-founder of Startup Societies Foundation, a Utah based non-profit think tank that studies SEZs and publishes an academic journal.

Patri Friedman

Founder and General Partner of Pronomos Capital

Lessons learned from investing in the world’s most advanced SEZs.

Patri Friedman is currently a General Partner at Pronomos Capital, a Silicon Valley based venture capital firm focused on investing in advanced SEZs and innovative projects in the Free Zones Industry. He previously worked at Google as an engineer from 2004-2008 and 2013-2019.  In 2008 he founded the Seasteading Institute with seed funding from Peter Thiel, and in 2009 started Ephemerisle, the largest self-organizing festival on water. Patri ran the angel fund Zarco Investment Group, and advises a variety of new governance projects. Patri has a BS in Math from Harvey Mudd College, an MS in CS from Stanford University, and an MBA from Cardean University. He used to play poker competitively and wrote one of the first online poker bots.

Kurtis Lockhart

Head of Research at the Charter Cities Institute

How the Charter Cities Institute’s research is inspiring a new generation of SEZ projects.

Kurtis is the Head of Research at the Charter Cities Institute and also a doctoral candidate in Politics at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. His research focuses on the political economy of development. Specifically, he’s interested in how institutional reforms affect public goods provision in developing countries with an area focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Kurtis has an MSc in Development Management from LSE where he graduated top of his class and was awarded Best Dissertation Prize, as well as a BA in Development Studies and Economics from McGill University.

Katarina Serlet

Director of Tenant Attraction at the Adrianople Group

Live Map Demo.

Kat is Director of Strategy and Tenant Attraction at the Adrianople Group. Kat's research has been recognized by The World Free Zones Organization, NASDAQ, African Economic Zones Organization, and various competitive governance think tanks.

Kat is also a Partner at Pronomos Capital where she leverages her years of focus in the Special Economic Zones industry to lead Pronomos’ DD and advise on the portfolio.

Previously, she founded the brand development and public relations firm Atlantic Pacific Strategies, through which she helps clients establish their voice by building beautiful brands and creating captivating content.

Click here to sign up for the event.

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