Geoeconomics Podcast

Geoeconomics Podcast Episode 4 Sameer Mallya, Grid91 – What security challenges do business and SEZs face in India?

GRID91 is an India-based risk consulting startup, helping businesses in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka manage complex risks through a line of bespoke solutions.
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November 18, 2019
November 18, 2019

Sameer Mallya, Grid91

GRID91 is an India-based risk consulting startup, helping businesses in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka manage complex risks through a line of bespoke solutions. Their team constitutes of risk management professionals who have operated in various sectors and geographies across the globe. They bring in value through their risk management approach,which firmly focuses on providing clients with proactive and practicable solutions that enable business continuity.

This podcast was produced by the Adrianople Group. The Adrianople Group is a business intelligence firm that specializes in economic zones, public private partnerships, infrastructure, and geoeconomics.



Geoeconomics Podcast

Geoeconomics Podcast Episode 4 Sameer Mallya, Grid91 – What security challenges do business and SEZs face in India?

GRID91 is an India-based risk consulting startup, helping businesses in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka manage complex risks through a line of bespoke solutions.
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November 18, 2019
November 18, 2019

Sameer Mallya, Grid91

GRID91 is an India-based risk consulting startup, helping businesses in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka manage complex risks through a line of bespoke solutions. Their team constitutes of risk management professionals who have operated in various sectors and geographies across the globe. They bring in value through their risk management approach,which firmly focuses on providing clients with proactive and practicable solutions that enable business continuity.

This podcast was produced by the Adrianople Group. The Adrianople Group is a business intelligence firm that specializes in economic zones, public private partnerships, infrastructure, and geoeconomics.



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