
The Top Charter City Handbooks on the Internet

A list of the best and most comprehensive online resources, handbooks, and guides for charter cities
July 2, 2020
July 2, 2020
This post comes courtesy of Francisco Litvay on Medium. You can find the original publication here on Medium:

To learn more, or to suggest other resources, contact Francisco Litvay here via Email or on LinkedIn. You can find his internationalization blog in Portuguese at Settee.


This post is meant to serve as a free repository of template documents and tools available online for the creation of Charter Cities and advanced Special Economic Zones. The kit is structured as follows:

In section 1, you will find documents for introducing the concept, analyzing a potential host country and delivering a convincing pitch of the positive impacts Charter Cities can bring.

Once you have support from a host nation, refer to section 2 for materials to follow up with and get the legal framework in order. This includes an MOU and letter of intent to formalize cooperation, as well as model legislation and charters for your city.

After the legal basis for the city is established and the project is ready to start, move to section 3 for materials related to the strategy, administration and management of the Charter City. There you will find better practices, an administration framework, model concessions and a risk management guide.

1. Getting Started

1.1. Introduction to Charter Cities - Charter Cities Institute

1.2. Information Sheet and Requirements List - Tipolis

1.3. Economic Projections - Tipolis and Institute for Competitive Governance

2. Legal Structures

2.1. MOU and Letter of Interest Template - Startup Societies Foundation

2.2. World City Model Legislation Template- Startup Societies Foundation

2.3 Charter Cities Model Legislation - Charter Cities Institute

2.4 Model Charter - Charter Cities Institute

3. Operating

3.1. Administration Framework - Startup Societies Foundation

3.2. Model Concession Provisions - Startup Societies Foundation

3.3. Risk Mitigation Guide - Charter Cities Institute

3.4. Better Practices - Institute for Competitive Governance


The Top Charter City Handbooks on the Internet

A list of the best and most comprehensive online resources, handbooks, and guides for charter cities
July 2, 2020
July 2, 2020
This post comes courtesy of Francisco Litvay on Medium. You can find the original publication here on Medium:

To learn more, or to suggest other resources, contact Francisco Litvay here via Email or on LinkedIn. You can find his internationalization blog in Portuguese at Settee.


This post is meant to serve as a free repository of template documents and tools available online for the creation of Charter Cities and advanced Special Economic Zones. The kit is structured as follows:

In section 1, you will find documents for introducing the concept, analyzing a potential host country and delivering a convincing pitch of the positive impacts Charter Cities can bring.

Once you have support from a host nation, refer to section 2 for materials to follow up with and get the legal framework in order. This includes an MOU and letter of intent to formalize cooperation, as well as model legislation and charters for your city.

After the legal basis for the city is established and the project is ready to start, move to section 3 for materials related to the strategy, administration and management of the Charter City. There you will find better practices, an administration framework, model concessions and a risk management guide.

1. Getting Started

1.1. Introduction to Charter Cities - Charter Cities Institute

1.2. Information Sheet and Requirements List - Tipolis

1.3. Economic Projections - Tipolis and Institute for Competitive Governance

2. Legal Structures

2.1. MOU and Letter of Interest Template - Startup Societies Foundation

2.2. World City Model Legislation Template- Startup Societies Foundation

2.3 Charter Cities Model Legislation - Charter Cities Institute

2.4 Model Charter - Charter Cities Institute

3. Operating

3.1. Administration Framework - Startup Societies Foundation

3.2. Model Concession Provisions - Startup Societies Foundation

3.3. Risk Mitigation Guide - Charter Cities Institute

3.4. Better Practices - Institute for Competitive Governance

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